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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are designed to think and act like humans. These machines are programmed to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Also such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI systems can be classified into two main categories: narrow or weak AI, which is designed to perform a specific task. General or strong AI, which is capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can. AI is a rapidly growing field with a wide range of applications, including robotics, natural language processing, computer vision, and expert systems.


For thousands of years, humans have been inventing new things every year to make human life luxurious and less effortful. Whenever humans find difficulty in getting some work done or find their abilities limited to better know about the universe, has created something new to make things easier or to overcome their incapability to reach out to hidden knowledge in the universe. Humans have reached and still trying to discover every corner of the universe, and we have already gained lots of new knowledge about the universe using our intelligence and inventions. Whenever humans find something boring or the human body incapable of going beyond limits, the human mind has created something capable of performing that particular job. Starting from the tools, from the Stone Age now we are at the venue to create an intelligent being that has more capabilities than a human does.

Current Situation

Humans will share the planet with artificial intelligence as living beings. We are already living with and surrounded by Artificial intelligence. It’s in social media which we use every day, it’s in our search engines, which we consult several times a day. It’s everywhere around us. Every automotive entity has AI in it. In our daily life, AI helps us choose what books we buy, what movies we watch, and even who we date. It puts the “smart” in your smartphone and will soon drive your car. It makes most of the trade in the world, and it also controls vital energy, water, and transportation infrastructure.

Further Intentions about Artificial Intelligence

Super artificial intelligence will be our last invention if humans become successful in creating superintelligence. It possibly will be our final invention because, with the arrival of SAI, a new era of machine intelligence will begin, where the machines will be able to not only produce themselves exponentially but also upgrade their intelligence in each new version. You can imagine it as robots working to make more intelligent robots than themselves. We cannot even imagine how far it will go and what will be its impacts on human life. We aren’t even sure about the safety and existence of human life on this planet.

The behavior of Artificial Intelligence

A human can do every possible work from AI if harnessed properly. Problems and works, which the human mind dread the most, can be done just in a short period using AI, You’ll get the job done with a click of a button. Imagine how cool that would be if a robot brewed you a coffee just in a few minutes without delaying your order, talked to you, and answered your stupid questions without minding anything, telling you whatever you asks for, working for you without any reason. Doing all those jobs which humans can fantasize to do. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI

Everything brings revolution and comes with equal qualities of advantages and disadvantages, the same is with AI, and it has its benefits and some drawbacks as well. Humans have to decide how we are going to use this technology. With the advancement in AI, there’re three main aspects of life that I think will be affected the most, and the funny part is that no one has any idea how to cope with these situations if they arise.

First Aspect

1. Physical aspects of our life like job industries, physical work, and needs. Artificial Intelligence will totally change the job industries. Humans will be replaced by more skillful robots, and it will bring job scarcity in the world.

Second Aspect

2. The second aspect is the emotional states of humans, human psychology, and behaviors. Humans can be manipulated because artificial intelligence has the capability of knowing more about a person than the person himself. By the way, we are already manipulated by algorithms if we pay close attention to the social media we are using today. Social media could not be this addictive if not run by artificially intelligent algorithms. The magic behind its addictiveness is that it has data about what you love to watch. According to that data, it provides you with related content, thus making social media more interesting to the mind. Now, if a machine can provide you with the content you like the most, it can also know what can make you angry or happy by running the algorithm on your data. AI will be more pervasive in human psychology than anything or anybody ever. 

Third Aspect

3. The third most important aspect of life which will be affected is the spiritual life of humans. Now, spirituality is the set of beliefs that humans believe to be true and have no question about the correctness and robustness of that belief. AI could disturb your previous beliefs, and make you believe in something else without your consent and realization. AI could be that much more impactful on human thoughts it’s beliefs. Artificial intelligence can also threaten our existence. In as little as a decade or so, artificial intelligence could match human intelligence and surpass it. It can become a rival of humans and take control of the planet if we let it free. It can also become an emotionless beast that could vanish humankind from the Earth with a click of a button.


Government agencies are spending billions on achieving human-level artificial intelligence. Once AI has attained it, scientists argue, it will have survival drives much like our own. We may be forced to compete with a rival more cunning, powerful, and alien than we cannot imagine.

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